V Ouvert 365j par an.
V Encadrement professionnel.
V Remboursé par les caisses maladies.
V Notre circuit training E-gym (36 minutes).
V Nos bilans de santé.
V Nos programmes personnalisés pour vous.
V Votre propre application avec plus de 300 cours, exercices.
V Plus de 1000 cours VFS par mois.
V Entraînez vous dans plus de 300 centres en Suisse
V Déjà abonné dans un autre club? Nous reprenons votre
abonnement. Jusqu’à 3 mois*. *(Avec nos abonnements 12-24 mois)

Registration for the surprise evening of André Viegas!

Dear Customers, Dear Customers,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a little surprise party that we will be organizing on Wednesday, October 10 at 8 p.m. in the personal training room, at Yess Fitness.
To celebrate the title of best apprentice assistant in the promotion of physical activity and health, awarded to our dear André Viegas during his participation in the national Swiss Skills 2018 competition, we offer you a jovial aperitif in the company of all the Yess Fitness team, with good humor, a very good atmosphere and an incredible moment of sharing.
To confirm your attendance, register using the link below.
Don't forget to hide this surprise well! ;)
Your Yess Fitness Team