V Ouvert 365j par an.
V Encadrement professionnel.
V Remboursé par les caisses maladies.
V Notre circuit training E-gym (36 minutes).
V Nos bilans de santé.
V Nos programmes personnalisés pour vous.
V Votre propre application avec plus de 300 cours, exercices.
V Plus de 1000 cours VFS par mois.
V Entraînez vous dans plus de 300 centres en Suisse
V Déjà abonné dans un autre club? Nous reprenons votre
abonnement. Jusqu’à 3 mois*. *(Avec nos abonnements 12-24 mois)

Electrical stimuli training
How does EMS work?
While in traditional training the muscles are controlled by electrical impulses from the brain which cause contraction and thus movement, in EMS the muscles receive external stimulation from the electrodes.
The muscle is indifferent to the origin of the electrical stimuli (brain or electrodes). The stimuli cause a muscle contraction.
Muscle is a good conductor of electrical stimuli. The excitation of each muscle fiber depends on a sufficient intensity of the current (threshold of activity).
If this threshold is exceeded, the muscle fiber responds with a total contraction (law of all or nothing).
From a certain intensity, all the fibers are activated. A further increase in intensity has no effect.
Thus miha bodytec only uses low intensity currents (on a limited scale of micro amperes) which are not dangerous for the human body.
Health and Medical Issues
- Postoperative muscle rehabilitation
- Compensation of muscle strength imbalances
- Relief of back pain, urinary incontinence, muscle hypertonia
- Pelvic floor rehabilitation after childbirth
- Osteoporosis, body fragility, fall prevention
- Prevention and treatment of obesity
- Heart failure, cardiac rehabilitation
Beauty and wellness
- Strengthening connective tissue, increasing blood flow and decreasing superfluous fat cells (cellulitis treatment)
- Increased metabolism
- Contour sculpting and body toning
- Treatment of ''saddlebags'', telangiectasias and varicose veins
- Specific training of problem areas
- Psychological effects (increased vitality, improved body perception, increased resistance to stress and psychological tension, appetite regulation)
Sport and Training
- Increase in maximum muscle strength
- Increase in stamina
- muscle development
- Rapid increase in muscle strength
- Core muscle training, core stability
- Improved vigor
- Improved mobility
- Sport-specific conditioning, performance improvement
Contraindications of EMS
- Febrile states, acute bacterial or viral infections
- Tumors
- Tuberculosis
- Advanced arteriosclerosis, arterial circulatory disorders
- Bleeding, tendency to bleed easily (hemophilia)
- Severe neurological disorders
- Skin reactions
- Pacemakers
Price 1 session Fr. 99,-